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Cats — The best antidepressant, or is it?
The cat (Felis catus) is a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal. It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of the family.
“I'm like a regular next-door house cat, just a tad bit cooler than them.”
— Dou Dou, Meownager of XIMNET

The origin of cats
The ancient Egyptian reverence for cats is well-known—and well-documented in the archaeological record: scientists found a cat cemetery in Beni-Hassan brimming with 300,000 cat mummies. Bastet, an Egyptian goddess of love, had the head of a cat, and to be convicted of killing a cat in Egypt often meant a death sentence for the offender.

Nowadays, of course, cats are superstars: the protagonists of comic strips and television shows. By the mid-90s, cat services and products had become a billion-dollar industry. And yet, even in our popular culture, a bit of the age-old ambivalence remains.

The cat doesn't seem to be able to entirely shake its association with evil: After all, how often do you see a movie's maniacal arch-villain, as he lounges in a comfy chair and plots the world's destruction, stroke the head of a Golden Retriever?

Our Meownager, however, is the pedigreed version of the traditional British domestic cat, with a distinctively stocky body, dense coat, and broad face, also known as British Shorthair. The breed's good-natured appearance and relatively calm temperament make it a frequent media star. Sadly not in our case. 

Dou Dou is extremely timid when it comes to meeting someone new. Although we do not have any clue how she got her way to the top seat but we suspect it was her sparkly eyes that earned her the spot.

Dou Dou, The Meownager of XIMNET
You have a problem with that? Keep it to yourself — Dou Dou, Meownager of XIMNET

A feline farewell

"I am finally escaping from all this." - The Cat

In our recent digital initiative — World of Words, we have carefully selected a handful of beautiful creation of God that means something to us. We used them as our new website imagery as part of the celebration of life we tend to miss out in our hectic daily lives. We hope you will take a moment to pause, breathe and admire these wonderful things around us.

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