XIMNET - The Leading Tech Agency In Malaysia
Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy

Effective date: January 1, 2024

We are committed to conducting our business with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. As part of this commitment, we have established a robust anti-bribery and corruption policy to guide our employees, partners, and stakeholders in upholding the highest ethical standards.

Definition of Bribery: Bribery is the offering, promising, giving, demanding, or receiving of an undue advantage (financial or non-financial) to influence a person in their duties or to obtain an improper advantage. This can be done directly or indirectly, and through a third party.

Prohibited Activities:

  • Offering, promising, or giving bribes to any party, including government officials, business partners, or individuals.
  • Soliciting, demanding, or accepting bribes from any party.
  • Engaging in facilitation payments (payments to expedite routine government actions).
  • Offering or accepting gifts, entertainment, or hospitality that is excessive or could be perceived as an attempt to influence a business decision.
  • Engaging in any other activity that violates anti-bribery or corruption laws.

Expectations for Employees and Third-Party Representatives:

  • All employees and third-party representatives acting on our behalf are required to comply with this policy.
  • Employees must avoid any situations that could create a conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety.
  • When dealing with government officials, business partners, or other third parties, employees must always act with transparency and integrity.

Gifts and Entertainment:

  • Offering or accepting gifts or entertainment must be reasonable and infrequent, and never with the expectation of influencing a business decision.
  • Prior approval is required for offering or accepting any gifts or entertainment that exceeds a predetermined value.

Political and Charitable Contributions:

  • All political and charitable contributions must comply with applicable laws and regulations.
  • Contributions should be made in a transparent manner and not used to obtain an unfair business advantage.

Reporting Bribery

  • We encourage all employees and third-party representatives to report any suspected violations of this policy.
  • Reports can be made anonymously through our confidential reporting hotline or directly to a supervisor, manager, or compliance officer.
  • The Company will not tolerate retaliation against anyone who reports a suspected violation in good faith.

Investigation and Enforcement

  • All reported violations of this policy will be investigated thoroughly and objectively.
  • Any employee found to have violated this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
  • The Company may also take legal action against any party involved in bribery or corruption.

Training and Communication

  • The Company will provide regular training to employees on this policy and best practices.
  • This policy will be communicated to all employees and third-party representatives.

We are committed to fostering a culture of integrity and transparency throughout our organization. By adhering to this Anti-Bribery Policy, we can help ensure that our business practices are ethical and compliant with the law.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at info@ximnet.com.my.
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