XIMNET - The Leading Tech Agency In Malaysia
who we are

Coming home

XIMNET Malaysia is a digital solutions provider with two decades of track records

And so it began

Founded in San Jose, California, in the winter of 1999, XIMNET started out as a web development startup during the dot com boom years. 

Through time, we invested and grew into many areas of interests.  

Our core competency is in the alchemy of design, user engagement, communication and marketing. We are unique in our ability to weave design, technologies with the marketing mind into compelling solutions. Paired with our native system building capabilities, and our recent push into artificial intelligence technologies,  XIMNET has the right range of skillsets and competencies to help you plan, execute and thrive in the uncertain but exciting years ahead.

mission statement
We nurture the good of life
We know that all good things flow from within a love-inspired environment. To cultivate this environment, we seek to; 

  1. Challenge and develop individuals in our team to care deeply in all they meet and in all that they do.   
  2. Respect and celebrate the God-given talents and particularities of each of our team members. 
  3. Honor our clients as our partners, and our team members as our brothers and sisters.
  4. Provide opportunities for anyone who seek to learn and grow.
  5. Care for each individual's well-being more than making a quick profit. 

Together, we are committed to "Delivering Real Results" for our clients.
our values
Good work comes from the heart. If there's one word to describe XIMNET, it will be none other than R.E.A.L. We are strong believers of the following values;
The Founder
“Life is difficult”, says M. Scott Peck, in his book, “The Road Less Traveled”.

I saw it as a child,  and it lingered with me. I want to do my part to make life less difficult for others.

Is there something I can do to put the light back into people's eyes?

I once thought I can add joy to people's lives with narratives that bind us together in the face of the uncaring fate. Or perhaps I can inspire as a singer with songs that resonate with the people. 

And then, life happened.

I fell in love and got married, and got a job to pay the bills. In a bank and a few jobs later, I realized that one of the darkest place in the world, is the workplace. A place where many lives are lost in the name of making a living.

Perhaps I will build a workplace lighted with Love?

Love for the work, love for customers, love for learning and growing, and most important of all, love for the community that is coming together with a shared mission to make a difference with our lives.

So XIMNET was born.
2020 and beyond...
“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time"

T. S. Eliot

It's been two decades since XIMNET was founded.  Twenty years of dreaming, striving, struggling and learning about people and myself and how to make things work. Yet, the most beautiful gift of this journey, is the gift of "homecoming" for me. I finally understood the restlessness and the hunger that compelled me to begin the journey. While the work is very far from done, the yoke of the illusion of "success" is finally unshackled.

O joy!

I've finally returned home to where I was so eager to walk out as a young man. And those endless questions that played in my mind like a haunting melody; of life, the suffering of the people of this world, the inequality of the poor and the rich, the foolish and the wise, the lost and the loved; they've been answered with so much of clarity.

But only after losing something that is so dear to me.

"Nisi Dominus Frustra"

And on to the next path with His footsteps to follow.
Wiley Chin - Founder & CEO of XIMNET Malaysia
Wiley chin
Founder & CEO

Team Leaders
Senior VP, Sales & Operations
Vice-President, Platform & Security
Vice-President, Innovation
Project Manager & UX
Project & Innovation
our team
Variety is the spice of life 

We are today, the sum of all the people and the good work delivered through the years

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